New Patients
Do I Qualify for At-Home Veterinary Care
To qualify for in-home veterinary care services,
you must provide documentation of any of the following:
- Disability income, any age
- Disabled identification card (DID)
- State or federal identification, over age 70
- VA identification, over age 60
- VA disability, any age
Other forms of qualifying documentation of need may be considered on a case by case basis.
What to Expect From a Home Visit
It is our goal to provide our veterinary services while making the visit as stress free as possible for our owners and their furry companions. If you have never had a visit from our vet, here is what you can expect.
We will give you a call in the morning to confirm the appointment. In order to make the appointment as efficient as possible, we ask that all cats are placed into their carriers or confined to a specific location in the house. Dogs don’t need to be leashed, but we ask that you have it handy in case we need to put it on them.
Upon arrival, we will take the pet outside if weather permits, or into an isolated area of the home. We conduct a wellness examine on the animal and will discuss the treatment plan with you. If necessary, we will then administer any vaccines or additional treatment. All vaccination records will be emailed to you once the appointment has been completed. Our current accepted form of payment is cash or check only.